

By 17 June 2012 No Comments

A good day, as Sundays go. Keeping busy is best and we hit the local car boot fair first thing this morning. It was fun and…informative. I now know, very clearly, that I am not going anywhere outside again, ever, until I have purchased reins for the triplets. Don’t quite know how I’ve got this far without them. Even with an adult per child ratio it’s a tall order to keep track of them of all in a crowded place. The rational part of my brain was telling me to relax, let them be free and enjoy being somewhere different and have a little trust that they wouldn’t stray too far. The neurotic mum part of me, which is lets face it ninety percent of who I am these days was leaping around between the parked cars like a cat on a hot tin roof – shrieking at Jake to grab Theo and then at Grandad to stop Ella from picking up another ‘precious’ object she’d spotted perched on the bonnet of a Vauxhall Allegra whilst yanking Louis away from a stall selling second hand Black and Decker drills. Jake was rewarded for his chaperoning skills with a double cone Mr Whippy. I made him eat it in secret whilst I bundled the trio back into the car – I’m happy to shove biscuits into their grubby little mits all day long for a bit of peace but I draw the line at ice creams out in public – too many potential disasters and not enough baby wipes.

Emma Campbell

Author Emma Campbell

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